Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Training for Tired

Today's workout:
Swim-90 minutes
Bike-79 minutes

Mr. Sandman passed me by last night big time. I slept from 10 pm-1 am and that was about it. From 1 am-6 am it was tossing and turning, with a small break at 3 am for cookies and milk. I was glad that I could sleep until 6 am instead of 5 am. The extra hour of not sleeping really helped.

It's going to work out really well to wake up at 6 and then swim from 6:45-8:15. The pool was practically empty and I had a lane to myself the whole time. There was no one else getting ready in the mirror after my swim-I guess everyone leaves before 8am. It was a nice relaxing swim. I stopped by The Daily Juice for a smoothie on my way to work and still made it to work by 9 am! So, as long as I get a visit from Mr. Sandman on Tuesday nights, Wednesday's should be much more restful for me.

But today I was training for tired. Each Wednesday that I don't get sleep, I'm going to tell myself that I'm just practicing for what I'm sure the actual race will feel like. It's a mental game that I'll have to play-to make myself continue to move even when I'm exhausted...much like I imagine the last few hours of the real race will feel like. I'm definitely not as tired as I was a couple of weeks ago on that Wednesday though.

Work has been really busy lately, so I rush home after and have about 15 minutes before the evening workout. I try to pick out the next day's outfit, unpack my school bag and lunch box, pack lunch for the next day, and change for the workout all at the same time. I'm falling into some kind of chaotic pattern which seems to be working for now!

Here's the map from tonight's ride, courtesy of Wayne's iPhone.

Ok, time for bed again. Sleep, or try to, then workout, then work, then workout again, then pack for another workout, then try to sleep again, and eat a lot of cookies in between. My life right now.  There's no way I'm going to be able to stay awake for Law and Order tonight.

Nighty night!
M :)

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